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Know This:

Riverbend is RUSTIC!

rus·tic adj.
1. relating to, characteristic of, or appropriate to the country or country living
2. lacking excessive refinement or elegance
3. made of rough wood, especially branches with the bark left on them
4. with a rough finish
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Outside of $42 Family Units

Don't let the look of the website make you believe you are getting Holiday Inn type lodging. There are no mints on our pillows, no phones or cable in our rooms and the look and feel of our place can change with the winds.

Women's Dorm Common Area

We are located next to a river and just south of the largest lake in the state. Because we are in a flood plain, most of our builings are renovated mobile homes.

ALL of our staff are volunteers who stay and help out because they love Riverbend and want more time to heal in our enchanted waters. Please click the pics to see how some of our most rustic areas look and be prepared to stay in a place with real Southwestern character.

Office Mobile Home

Men's Dorm Common Area