Our mineral water sits at temperatures from 104-110 degrees. Our shared baths consist of four neighboring tubs that flow from one to the next, providing bathers with a wide array of temperatures that will suit even the most selective people. |
Ag | Silver | .001 | Li | Lithium | 1.20 | |
Al | Aluminum | .05 | Mg | Magnesium | 15.30 | |
As | Arsenic | .05 | Mo | Molybdenum | 0.002 | |
Au | Gold | 0.005 | Na | Sodium | 751.0 | |
B | Boron | 0.25 | NH4 | Ammonium | 0.05 | |
Ba | Barium | 0.20 | Ni | Nickel | 0.002 | |
Br | Bromine | 2.60 | NO3 | Nitrate | 0.20 | |
Ca | Calcium | 163.0 | Pb | Lead | 0.002 | |
Cd | Cadmium | 0.001 | PO4 | Phosphate | 0.20 | |
Cl | Chloride | 1360.0 | Rb | Ribidium | 0.70 | |
Co | Cobalt | 0.002 | Sb | Antimony | 0.05 | |
Cr | Cromium | 0.002 | Se | Selenium | 0.05 | |
Cs | Cesium | 0.12 | Si | Silicon | 21.0 | |
Cu | Copper | 0.002 | SiO2 | Silicate | 45.0 | |
F | Fluoride | 3.02 | SO4 | Sulfate | 75.10 | |
Fe | Iron | 0.02 | Sr | Strontium | 3.82 | |
HCO3 | Bicarbonate | 220.0 | U | Uranium | 0.10 | |
Hg | Mercury | 0.05 | Zn | Zinc | 0.01 | |
K | Potassium | 56.0 | ||||
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