TOLL-FREE 1-800-231-2222.
TORC - 101 Date St. (505) 894-3649
ALBUQ - 300 2nd St. SW
EL PASO - 200 W. San Antonio
SANTA FE - 858 St. Michaels Drive
Leaves Albuquerque at 4PM, arriving TORC (only two blocks from Riverbend) at 7PM.
Leaves SANTA FE at 8PM and ALBUQUERQUE at10PM, arriving TORC at 12:40 AM.
Leaves El Paso at 12:15 AM (after midnight), arriving TORC at 2:40 AM.
Leaves AUSTIN, TX at 10:00 AM (with two bus changes in Kerrville and El Paso), arriving TORC at 2:40 AM.
*** by the way ***
Let their DALLAS headquarters know (Phone 214-849-8218) that you want the old schedule back arriving in TORC at 11:00 AM.
(more frequent routes than Greyhound)
Alternative bus lines are available for anyone traveling from Los Angeles, California to El Paso, Texas, and from El Paso to Denver, Colorado and points between, such as Tucson, Las Cruces, Santa Fe, and Truth or Consequences.
These bus lines are frequented by Mexican tourists and families of Mexican-Americans living in the Southwest. Their rates are cheap, and their modern, clean, Movie-equipped buses have more frequent routes. Stations are usually located near existing Greyhound stations, and the stops in other cities are usually close to the freeway.
The main bus is the EL PASO / LOS ANGELES LIMOUSINE EXPRESS (details below) Another line, AMERICANOS, also has lines to and from Kansas City and Oklahoma City.
INSTRUCTIONS: Call the departing station BEFORE to arrange for pickup at the Stop of your choice. (For example, to be picked up in Santa Fe, call Denver. To be picked up in TORC, call El Paso or Albuquerque.)
ELP-LAX leaves from El Paso for points north, and from Albuquerque for points south, at 8 AM, 10 AM, and 5 PM, ARRIVING three (3) hours later near Exit 79 at the Chevron in Truth or Consequences. Their rates from El Paso or Albuquerque to TorC are $20 one way adult ($13 children) $35 roundtrip. (Check this out: $45 one way to LA, $80 roundtrip; $45 one way to Denver, $70 roundtrip.)
EL PASO, TX --- 720 S, Oregon St. (915) 532-4061
PHOENIX, AZ --- 1015 N. 7th Street (602) 254-4101
LAS VEGAS, NV --- 1100 S. Main St. (702) 369-3933
COLTON, CA --- 1047 N. Mt. Vernon (909) 824-8424
COLTON, CA --- 700 E. Valley Blvd. 909) 824-8402
LOS ANGELES, CA --- 6th & Wall St. (213) 623-2323
EL MONTE, CA --- 11825 E. Valley Blvd. (626) 442-1945
HUNTINGTON PARK, CA --- 2667 E. Florence, Ste. C ( ? )
DENVER, CO --- 838 Park Ave. West (303) 293-2244
GREELEY, CO --- 2712 8TH Ave. (970) 353-6790
ALBUQUERQUE, NM --- 1611 Central NW (505) 247-8036
INDIO, CA --- McDonalds, Clinton Ave Hwy 111 (760) 347-7556
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO --- 2347 Plaza del Sol, Platte Rd (719) 326-0163
DEMING, NM --- Balboa Restaurant, 708 W. Pine (505) 544-0602
JUAREZ, TIJUANA, ENSENADA, and SAN QUINTIN MEXICO also have ticket offices.