ANALYSIS DETERMINED BY THE LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY AT LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO FROM SAMPLES TAKEN MAY 31, 1987 ELEMENT PPM ELEMENT PPM Ag Silver .001 Li Lithium 1.20 Al Aluminum .05 Mg Magnesium 15.30 As Arsenic .05 Mo Molybdenum 0.002 Au Gold 0.005 Na Sodium 751.0 B Boron 0.25 NH4 Ammonium 0.05 Ba Barium 0.20 Ni Nickel 0.002 Br Bromine 2.60 NO3 Nitrate 0.20 Ca Calcium 163.0 Pb Lead 0.002 Cd Cadmium 0.001 PO4 Phosphate 0.20 Cl Chloride 1360.0 Rb Ribidium 0.70 Co Cobalt 0.002 Sb Antimony 0.05 Cr Cromium 0.002 Se Selenium 0.05 Cs Cesium 0.12 Si Silicon 21.0 Cu Copper 0.002 SiO2 Silicate 45.0 F Fluoride 3.02 SO4 Sulfate 75.10 Fe Iron 0.02 Sr Strontium 3.82 HCO3 Bicarbonate 220.0 U Uranium 0.10 Hg Mercury 0.05 Zn Zinc 0.01 K Potassium 56.0 The TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) of this water are four times the level of minerals in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Mineral Content
Mineral Content of Riverbend Hot Springs' water